Business Meetings

Specialized Content
Through years of selling and training sales staff we have developed Rumplified Training Meetings that are designed to help you and your staff increase billing, build better habits and hone new skills. With content focused on the day to day of media selling, your staff will walk out of your training meetings better equipped and more excited to tackle another month of media sales.

Engaging Hand Outs
Each Rumplified Training Meeting comes with engaging hand-outs to help the sales people follow along, set goals or to re-enforce the principles taught that week/month. Handouts help keep the staff engaged and allow the sales manager to stay on track.
Guiding Notes
The focus of Rumplified Training Meetings is giving managers a tool that allows them to train their staff. A big part of that is Guiding Notes that minimize the manager’s prep time and help them stand and deliver a powerful meeting. Regardless of training, experience or skill level, we want sales managers that use Rumple to be able to provide a training meeting that is easier to understand and even easier to stand and deliver. Guiding Notes helps the sales manager do just that.

Rumplified Downloading
You won’t need a degree in rocket science to present our meetings and you certainly won’t need to be a computer genius to download them. Each meeting is easy to locate and with your manager’s role you see a new one frequently. Regardless of your computer, format or tech level, downloading your Rumplified Training Meeting is simple. Just click the download button and you will have a convenient access to the entire training via presentations that you can print, or open in PowerPoint or Keynote. Plus, we have the best support this side of the galazy. If you ever need help, just call Rumple!